Silhouette of a Yogi in Sunset

Discover a new way to make change…




Clear your obstacles to thriving and heal your relationship with ​your body, so you can make the world-changing impact you’re here ​to make, in this 12-week trauma-informed program.

Become the Remedy

Vintage Decorative Line Art

You care so much. You’re here to make the world a better place, to make conscious ​change, to work/ parent/ serve well. To make a difference…

But to do what you're here to do at the level you want, and do it for a long time, you've ​got to have more than brilliance, integrity, leadership skills, love, and a can-do attitude.

You need to have a resilient nervous system, embodied leadership, capacity to lead, ​cargive, and be present that goes far beyond the intellect.

You need to BE well, with self-regulation on board, deep self-awareness, clarity in who ​you are, unapologetic boundaries, a body that you’re in partnership with, and intuition ​that you trust.

So you can make change, help heal the world, use your voice well, and lead, parent, and ​serve, authentically and effectively.

(oh, yes - and also so that you can enJOY your life a little more!)

Dear Changemaker/ Parent,

I see you. I’ve been where you are.

You care deeply about the world, your mission, your humans, and ​making an impact to improve life on our planet.

These times we’re in are taking a toll. You’ve been working so ​hard, giving of yourself for so long, and the old ways don’t work ​for you anymore.

You might feel on the path to burnout. Whether it’s anxiety and ​fluctuating moods, brain fog, or unexplained health issues, your ​body is talking to you.

You might feel blocked in using your voice to bring your vision ​to life, or silenced about expressing what matters.

Or maybe it’s time to step into the next level of leadership, but ​imposter syndrome is holding you back.

You know you need change. But that it’s NOT that change “out ​there”, but instead change that takes you deeper inside of ​yourself.

As a high integrity, soul-led leader or parent, you know that to level up your leadership, relationships, parenting, and health, you need greater capacity, but not of the intellectual sort.

The world, your work, and your clients, kiddos/ loved ones need you to hold bigger and more potent space, to navigate the complex, present-day challenges in more capable ways.

Yet, you know that you can’t push through as you always have. While your contributions on the outside might look great, you might feel that inside things need tending to.

Anxiety, sleep, physical pain, overeating, angst for the world, your physical health... You might feel frozen, stuck, or silenced in the midst of all that’s “up” in the world. And at the same time, you might be “losing it” with your kiddos or loved ones.

I want you to know, it’s not your fault. It’s not that something’s wrong with you.

We’ve been taught to push through, keep going, and sacrifice whatever’s needed for the cause (or the kids).

And this moment in time is calling for a different kind of presence and inner healing to keep showing up.

A Person on a Mountain Trail

what if I told you it doesn’t have to be this way?

These are not regenerative ways of working, parenting, and living that ​support your well-being, and the well-being of your teams, clients, patients, ​and loved ones.

And this unique moment in time requires something different from ​conscious humans aiming to offer healing to the world.

When you learn how to partner with your body and clear the old ways, you ​can lead and make change from well. You can guide your team, organization, ​children, and movement – and you’re poised to make greater change in the ​world… while also creating a ripple effect in your own well-being!

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When Befriend Your Body began, I’d been experiencing anxiety ​for 15 years. I had lots of tools, primarily therapy. I couldn’t wrap ​my brain around why I was doing all the right things, yet still ​experiencing anxiety, not feeling happy, and other physical ​symptoms.

I thought my body just wasn’t made for this world, that it was ​failing me. But I’ve learned that so many of my lived experiences ​were stuck in my body, and it was speaking to me in the only way ​it could.

Now not only am I not living with chronic anxiety, I’m feeling ​widespread joy for the first time that I can remember! I feel so ​much love and care for my body now – this has changed ​everything.


Consultant for Non-profits

See Shoshana’s VIDEO Testimonial HERE

from long-held anxiety

to widespread joy

Green Fern Leaves

welcome to:



In this virtual, trauma-informed, small group program, you’ll ​learn how to clear what’s in the way of you feeling calm, ​confident, and resilient; connect with your nervous system and ​body to heal, create, and connect, and learn life-changing tools ​and skills that create new ways of living, parenting, working and ​being, so that you can make change and help the world be well, ​while being well yourself.

Conscious changemaking and parenting are essential, especially now. To keep saying “yes” to continuing on in these wild times, you need sustainable ways to do it.

You’ve got to be well to help the world be well.

Through this program, you’ll have begun - or deepened - the path to more resilient and embodied leadership and parenting. And you’ll have a toolkit to help support you along the way.

Befriending your body and beCOMing resilient and embodied allows you to:

  • Interrupt old patterns of overwork, overwhelm, and overgiving that leave you depleted and exhausted.
  • Find steady in your mood and emotions, so you aren’t walking the world with low-grade anxiety or periodic panic, and know which tools help you return to center.
  • Feel a return of energy, life force, joy, creativity, confidence, and hope, so you can use your precious life force for what’s truly needed.
  • Identify your own blocks and resistance to being well, and what to do when they appear.
  • Release unprocessed grief so you can re-claim joy again.
  • Lead and parent with confidence, clarity, openness, love, hope, and creativity.
  • Truly partner with your body in health, healing, leadership, and changemaking.
  • Be a passionate and purposeful changemaker who has confidence, knows how to find creative solutions, and leads well.
  • Love on that body you thought was the enemy or the thing to overcome.
Green Leafed Tree

The good news is...

Befriending your body helps you access what’s already inside of you. You don’t ​have to seek outside of you to find the answers, or “the fix” to the problem.

You can access what’s already there for you.

And once you learn these tools and teachings, you’ll have a toolkit to use at ​your disposal, at any time.

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"Kelly’s Befriend Your Body program came into my life when I ​was juggling a lot, personally and professionally. In the middle of ​the program, I lost my sister, my dog, and published my first ​book.

I had no idea how transformative this experience would be, and ​the tools and information I learned were exactly what I needed.

They were simple yet powerful, helping me ​care for my nervous system during intense ​stress. Understanding my freeze response ​and how to heal it was life-changing.

Kelly’s warmth and wisdom, combined with ​the program’s depth, made all the ​difference. I highly recommend it to anyone ​seeking greater resilience and healing."


Founder of Chrysalis Mama

simple steps to

life-changing healing

Here’s what’s inside


Forest Path Surrounded by Trees

module 1

Mindset Matters:

This is changemaking. How supporting your nervous system, body, mind and heart help you move out of overwhelm

Path In The Snow

module 2

Release the Freeze:

Understanding how to navigate your nervous system order to avoid anxiety, low mood and inability to focus

Mountains sunset

module 3

Settle your System

with Stability:

Connecting in with what’s stable and predictable to grow capacity to connect, lead, parent

module 4

Shift the Score:

Understanding how your body keeps the score of your lived experience, and how to begin to connect with your body as partner instead of enemy


module 5

Rewrite Your Rhythms

and Rituals:

Create your regular rhythms and rituals to move you toward sustained wellness, health, joy, and connectedness

Curious what you’ll receive in our virtual 12-week program together? ​

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Forest Path Surrounded by Trees

module 1

Mindset Matters:

This IS changemaking

How supporting your nervous system, body, mind and heart ​help you move out of overwhelm & get off the path to ​burnout, so you can make the change you’re here to make.

When you don’t recognize and aren’t connected to the idea that self-care and healing ARE the work, you think and act as if changemaking is all about the effort, the mental work, and the long hours. This can become a pathway to overwhelm, overwork and burnout, and can hold you back from having connected relationships and advancing in your career. It’s easy to get stuck in your head and abandon your body.

Through this module, you’ll learn:

  • where the roots of “not enough” come from and to release that perspective as you understand that you are worthy of care, attention, and well-being, just as those you serve, lead and caretake are
  • to understand that “I matter,” and “I am enough” approaches can shift your work, relationships, longevity in health and in changemaking
  • to get to know the parts of you that resist taking care of you, and learn to partner with them instead of being bullied by them
  • how self-neglect can show up and why, and to overcome this tendency within yourself
  • to resource from this place, so you can return to your passion, purpose and commitment to the journey
Path In The Snow

module 2

Release the Freeze

understanding how to navigate your nervous system in order to avoid anxiety, low mood and inability to focus.

When you keep pushing through, putting on your professional face, shoving down the symptoms, and ignoring the signs of the body, you lodge old patterns deep into the nervous system, where it’s hard to change them with mindset. This can result in having a constant feeling of “fight or flight” or “freeze”, where your mind can’t switch off, sleep gets difficult, and you’re overreacting to many things. Or, alternatively, you can’t get out of bed or off the couch and get the things done. It’s like one part of your nervous system gets the “on” switch stuck and doesn’t know how to turn off. The symptoms can look like anxiety, low or fluctuating mood, reactivity, panicky feelings, brain fog, and an inability to focus.

Through this module, you’ll learn:

  • some of the basic science of your nervous system
  • to recognize nervous system responses and how they can support you and also derail you
  • to work with your nervous system responses to stressors
  • how to expand the capacity of your nervous system so you can become more resilient, more regulated, and able to connect in instead of tune out
  • how to safely release “freeze” and to get the switch “unstuck”
  • how to work in partnership with your body to heal and grow your resilience,
  • so you can meet the challenges of work, life, parenting, and engaging in community and the world
Mountains sunset

module 3

Settle your System

with Stability

connecting in with what’s stable and predictable to grow your capacity to connect, lead, parent and make change.

When you’re constantly in go-go-go mode, and you’re struggling to find steady, your brain and nervous system struggle to make wise decisions, and you might find it hard to be present with colleagues, kids, teams, and loved ones. Making connections in good-feeling ways can be challenging. This might result in feeling untethered, anxious, and struggling to center. It’s hard to lead and make change from that place. It’s even harder when the world feels less than predictable, when there is a crisis around every corner, when life demands so much of you, and the demands of these intense and divisive times overwhelm.

Through this module, you’ll learn:

  • the concept of nervous system capacity and the two ways you can expand it
  • the importance of stability and predictability for the nervous system
  • how to “borrow” stability and predictability from outside of yourself
  • how to create stability and predictability within yourself in order to have greater mental clarity, ease in making decisions, and a calm system that doesn’t feel in emergency mode inside, even if you’re dealing with emergencies outside
  • how this supports you in leading, parenting, and living
  • how this supports your capacity for change and ripples out to others

module 4

Shift the Score:

Moving your Body from Enemy to Partner

understanding how your body has been keeping the score of your lived experience, and how to begin to connect with your body as partner and messenger to improve your physical and mental health,

When your body is asking for your attention with physical and emotional symptoms, everything from physical pain to digestive issues to anxiety, it can feel like it’s derailing you and sabotaging your efforts at every turn. You may feel like you’ve got a vision for what you want to create in the world, how you want to contribute and the change you want to see, but your physical and mental health keep limiting you, keeping you from being able to show up and lead in the ways you know you can. You might even begin to feel like your body’s the enemy. Alternatively, it may be that you’re simply concerned about less severe symptoms that are wearing you down and you’re wondering if you need to tend to them.

Through this module, you’ll learn:

  • be guided into understanding how your body’s been keeping the score, and how the science backs this up
  • how those pesky symptoms that can feel like sabotage are often your body saying “no” when you’ve not been able to
  • open up to the idea that your body isn’t the enemy, but rather the messenger
  • learn that your body can be your partner, in everything from how to improve your health and well-being, to making aligned decisions, to leading well
  • learn techniques to relate to and work with your body as partner
  • understand that you’re not broken, no matter what is happening physically and emotionally
  • experience the possibility, starting simple, of “shifting the score” by deeply attuning, listening to (not ignoring), and working with your body signals
  • understand how this work of befriending your body allows you to create greater capacity for health, well-being, parenting, and leadership

module 5

Rewrite Your Rhythms and Rituals

how growing your regular rhythms and rituals can move you toward sustained wellness, health, joy and connectedness, so you can make the change you’re here to make, and enjoy it while you do.

When you’re busier than ever, days are full, demands are high, it can be hard to fit in the self-care and resilience-building actions for your own health, healing and well being that you know you need to do. You’ve now got the tools and techniques, you know what you could do, and maybe you’ve even planned for setting yourself up for success, but you just haven’t been able to figure out HOW to fit all of this into your life. You want to be sure that this time you follow through on your great intentions, so you can take care of yourself, and get on a path to feeling and leading better. You’ve figured out that knowing what you need to do is different from knowing HOW to make it work in your days.

Through this module, you’ll learn:

  • learn how rhythm and ritual impact brain and nervous system health and how this supports your health and well-being
  • understand how rhythms and rituals can help you experience calm, be more productive, connect effectively with colleagues and loved ones, heal and be well, and expand your capacity to lead effectively
  • move to practical application of the tools you’ve learned and the ones you already know, so you can fit them in your day
  • build a plan to establish new rhythms into your daily life, so you can move your body, mind, heart and spirit forward toward wellness
  • understand how having and growing your rhythms and rituals help you overcome resistance to self-care, and help you find greater joy

"Before working with Kelly, I was on the cusp of a much-desired ​promotion into a large new role at the state system level. I ​struggled with wanting to feel ready, capable, and enough in all ​ways, not like I was faking it. I’d spent so long believing that I was ​not enough of anything. Now, I’m so enjoying this feeling of ​comfort in my own skin! I’m leading in my new position, living ​into the version of myself that is a disrupter, and embracing my ​transformational leadership style.

Kate Dobler

Leader in statewide Medicaid substance use disorder treatment system change

from imposter syndrome to

t​ransformational leadership

Mountain landscape


save $500 when you ​sign up by OCT 19

Program runs live October 30, 2024 to January 23, 2025

Jungle Forest Full Of Trees


Program runs live October 30, 2024 to January 23, 2025


ONE Befriend Your Body retreat (2 hours)

SEVEN interactive teaching calls (90 minutes) with science-backed teachings, practices, discussion, reflection and somatic exercises to support your learning and embodiment of the work

ONE Completion and Next Steps Integration Retreat (90 minutes)


12 weeks of Kelly’s:​

Community forum to connect​ with other participants in the​ group​

A supportive group of​ participants on the journey​ with you​

- teaching

- support

- coaching

- integration

- space holding


ONE Integration/ Q&A session ​(90 min) to help you practice ​techniques & integrate the ​teachings, ask questions and ​get coaching on where you ​need support

TWO integration weeks wi​th instruction on how to suppo​rt the integration of t​he learnings, so you practi​ce having down time and taki​ng care of you througho​ut

In addition, you’ll also receive:

  • A set of life-changing healing practices
  • A private community forum to connect with other participants
  • Opportunity to book additional private sessions with Kelly at a reduced rate during the program



Register by Oct 19 for early bird pricing


  • 12 weeks of LIVE Mentorship
  • Access to Call Replays
  • Private Community for Cohort
  • Life Changing Healing Practices

save $500



Register by Oct 19 for early bird pricing


  • 12 weeks of LIVE Mentorship
  • Access to Call Replays
  • Private Community for Cohort
  • Life Changing Healing Practices

save $500

FAST ACTION Bonus - A private 60-min visioning session to get clear on your vision and receive personalized guidance.

Valued at $300. Limited to the first 5 registrants

White Linen Background

Know this is for you? Be one of the first 5 beautifuL humans to register & receive...

Personal Visioning SEssion

A bonus private visioning session (60 min) with Kelly, valued at $300, to help you get clear on your goals for your time in the program, and to receive personalized guidance for the journey

Limited to the first 5 Registrants

Wondering if THIS program is FOR YOU?


Tick Icon

You’re looking for authentic and lasting change, and tools to continue using long term

Tick Icon

You’re ready to jump in and “do the inner work” so you can keep showing up to live your purpose

Tick Icon

You’re tired of holding back from stepping into leadership and courageously using your voice in ways you know you can

Tick Icon

You’re teachable, coachable and ready to receive support (even if you feel some resistance)

Tick Icon

You know that having a strong and safe container for going deeper is what’s needed to go to the next level

Tick Icon

You know it’s time to make changes deep within to reignite your passion and purpose to be the changemaker you’re here to be



You’re looking for a “quick fix” to support your body, mind, and nervous system concerns


You’re unwilling to look within and explore more deeply what’s possible for you, body, mind and spirit


You feel like you already have all the answers and aren’t teachable, coachable, or open to other insights & perspectives


You’re don’t believe you can feel better and heal (it’s ok to have fears & resistance, as long as you’re willing to believe)


You don’t want to make new choices, implement new ways, or play an active role in your journey


You’re in deep crisis right now. There may be another level of support for you. For details, email:

Mountain landscape

Nothing I had learned in any part of my life before prepared me ​to confront with self-compassion the existential questions that ​have arisen time and again on my journey about who I am, what I ​am here for, and what my existence means if and when I am not ​living up to some externally imposed standard for success. My ​work with Kelly gave me the lens that I needed.




Kelly Lubeck, MPH

Kelly Lubeck, MPH, is passionate about weaving together her deep commitment to changemaking, serving the world, and conscious parenting, with her passion for deep, soul-level coaching and healing work (body, mind, heart and spirit).

She’s spent over 25 years doing service-based work in the US and around the world. The last 16 years have been dedicated to developing and delivering programs and retreats to individuals, groups and organizations, to help changemakers and leaders be well as they help the world to be well.

She earned her Master’s in Public Health from Columbia University and has studied multiple healing modalities to support holistic healing, from ancient shamanic healing practices to modern trainings in neuroscience and nervous system regulation (and many things in between), all of which she integrates into her work to help people heal, lead and be well.

things her lovely clients have to say

HEAR FROM her clients & students

Quotation Mark

I truly believe that Kelly saved ​my life (and my sanity) during ​the hardest time of my life. I ​never thought I would beat my ​illness and return to a normal ​life, but my work with her proved ​that I have the power to heal ​myself and evolve to who I ​ultimately want to be.


Int’l Sustainability Communications

Quotation Mark

Through our work together, I ​have this newfound confidence ​to move forward in my work and ​life in new and authentic ways. ​Our work has changed me and ​the trajectory of my life.

Heather Hester

LGBTQ+ Champion & mom

Quotation Mark

Kelly knows her stuff when it ​comes to the nervous system ​and shamanic journeying. Every ​experience I had in this group ​was so worth the time, money, ​and space put forth. As a group, ​so much positive growth can ​happen not only personally, but ​as a collective.

Jennifer LairD

Adoptive mom & child services volunteer

Mountain landscape


save $500 when you ​sign up by OCT 19

Program runs live October 30, 2024 to January 23, 2025

Mountain landscape

Two Important points of clarification:

  1. This is not a quick fix

This is not a quick fix. What you’ll learn in this program are tools that can change your life, your work, your leadership, your parenting, and the impact you make on the world. The tools take practice and regular application to have maximum benefit. In this program, you’ll be on your way to beginning that path (or continuing on to go deeper if you’ve already begun), with intensive support from me.

2. This is not THERAPY

This is not a therapy program and I am not a therapist. Many of my clients tell me that the effects of the work together are therapeutic, and sometimes people say that issues they’ve worked on for years in therapy are resolved with the tools and techniques I teach here, alongside the coaching and healing work we do. But first and foremost, this is an educational group coaching program to support your health, healing, and well-being.

I now have an integrated way of living in the world where I feel ​all of my parts have come together. I am more honest in my ​personal life, and I bring my whole self into my professional life, ​rather than just one piece of myself.

Jalpa ratna

Chief of Field Services, International Development

from many separate parts to

an integrated self

Jungle Forest Full Of Trees

Program Details





  • ONE Prep Week to give you space to get ready and prepare for the journey
  • ONE Befriend Your Body retreat (90 minutes)
  • SEVEN Befriend Your Body interactive teaching calls (90 minutes) with ​science-backed teachings, practices, discussion, reflection, movement and ​somatic practices to support your learning and embodiment of the work
  • ONE Integration/ Q&A session (90 min) to help you practice techniques and ​integrate the teachings, implement what you’re learning, ask questions, ​and get coaching on where you’re stuck and need support
  • ONE Completion and Next Steps Integration Retreat (90 minutes)
  • TWO integration weeks with instruction on how to support the integration ​of the learnings, so you practice having down time and taking care of you ​throughout
  • 13 weeks of teaching, support, coaching, integration and space holding


  • Recordings of all live calls
  • A private community forum to connect with other participants
  • Opportunity to book additional private sessions with Kelly at a reduced rate ​during the program



Register by Oct 19 for early bird pricing


  • 12 weeks of LIVE Mentorship
  • Access to Call Replays
  • Private Community for Cohort
  • Life Changing Healing Practices

save $500



Register by Oct 19 for early bird pricing


  • 12 weeks of LIVE Mentorship
  • Access to Call Replays
  • Private Community for Cohort
  • Life Changing Healing Practices

save $500

FAST ACTION Bonus - A private 60-min visioning session to get clear on your vision and receive personalized guidance.

Valued at $300. Limited to the first 5 registrants

Got a question?

Frequently asked Questions

I can’t attend live. Will there be recordings of the calls if I have to miss them?

While I highly recommend attending live whenever possible, as you’ll have the benefit of community and the energy of the teachings in real time, if you’re unable to, the call recordings will be available to you to watch/ listen to within 24 hours of class.

My work is taxing and I have high levels of responsibility. How much time will it take?

I’ve designed this program to support high level leaders and changemakers who don’t have extra time and want to learn as efficiently as possible.

And while I highly recommend attending live, you’ll have access to the recordings to guide yourself through the material if you’re unable to make it in real time.

While this might still seem like a lot of time, I assure you, the benefits in terms of productivity, energy, improved health, and efficiency will be palpable when you apply what you learn in this program.

I prefer to do this work alone and due to my work situation, I need to keep my personal experience private.

First, you are not alone in this. Leadership often results in people feeling they don’t have space to speak the truths of the challenges and struggles, nor the learning.

You can participate at the level that feels right for you, and can receive great benefit from showing up, following along, listening, and doing the practices and homework - during and between our calls.

This is a lot of money... Is this going to help me and Am I worth it?

This is a high-touch, small group program. It’s a higher investment than some ​programs, and much less than many I’ve participated in. It’s a fraction of what it ​would cost to do private healing work together. And you’ll still receive exquisite ​attention.

My experience over the years, of hitting burnout twice and going through some ​extremely hard (and costly) health challenges, has shown me that when I invest in my ​health and well-being, the better I can show up in the world. That investment has ​allowed me to be well as I’m working to help communities and individuals to be well.

While you must decide if it’s the right time and an investment you’re willing and able ​to make, I will say that I’ve had people in my group and private programs tell me that ​it’s one of the best investments they’ve ever made and worth every penny.

And if times are simply hard right now, I do have a couple of partial scholarships ​available (program cost would be $995). To be considered, please email: ​ with the subject: BYB Scholarship

For a more extensive list of FAQs, click HERE

get in touch

If you know that “Befriend Your Body” is a fit for you, and you’re ready to step in:

If you want to explore further whether Befriend Your Body is a fit for you, schedule a complimentary exploration call (20 min) HERE.

Green Leafed Tree
White Linen Background
Quotation Mark
Quotation Mark

The world needs you well

- Kelly Lubeck

Silhouette of a Yogi in Sunset

Hope to see you inside:




Join now for a LIMITED TIME OFFER to save $500!

Offer available for those who register by Oct 1

Kelly Lubeck © 2024 | All Rights reserved